Emmia Report
Policy Learning Platform
Concrete Actions

Organisation: Provincia di Roma

Web: www.provincia.roma.it  State and Place: Rome, Italy



The Province of Rome is a local government Authority which represents 121 borough councils (including the city of Rome) within the Region of Latium. The province is an outstanding example in the Italian context for the development of free, public wifi-access. The Provincia WIFI project provides free wireless internet access for citizens. Mobile services are the future.

The province of Rome is developing a range of new and innovative services for mobile platforms, while testing and evaluating new forms of metropolitan wireless networks. The lessons learned from this will be shared with mo3 partners and will provide valuable insights for any future initiatives to provide wireless services. Within mo3-europe the province will also pool synergies of initiatives within their region, both current and planned, linked to the support of mobile and mobility industry.

Role in the EMMIA Consortium

WP leader 2.1: business innovation support.

Contact: MANETTI Manuela 

Ufficio di Direzione
"Pianificazione dei sistemi di mobilità e trasporto pubblico"
Indirizzo Via Luigi Pianciani, 22 - 00185 Roma 


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